I had to get these two stories out before I forgot them and they both involve Izyk and potty incidence/non-incidence.
In the beginning it was a little difficult to get Izyk to stay seated on the toilet while he was having a BM. One Saturday evening, I was cooking dinner and I hear this shriek coming from the bathroom. Izyk emerges with this look of panic and he was saying "Get off! Get it off!! Get off!" He was almost in tears. I thought he had a bug on him or something. There was some brown mass on his leg. It took me a minute to realize that it was a piece of poop that had gotten on his leg. He probably stood up before he was done and it landed on his calf. I was laughing so hard.
Second story: we drove to a Christmas tree plantation to pick out a tree. It took us forever to get out of the house so I was concerned about everyone's attitudes but we persevered. We got there, Ryan went to sign in and I got all the kids out. We picked out the kind of tree that we wanted and the dude there pointed us in the direction of where those were planted. He said we could drive if we wanted. I decided we didn't need to because it was nice day and we could wear the boys out. Not two seconds after we arrived at the area, Izyk pipes up that he has to "poop" and Ryan immediately looked at me and said "What did he just say?" I said that he needed to poop. We were about a quarter mile from the "base" where they had a porta-potty. Ryan hands me the hacksaw and 8 foot measuring stick and starts the walk back with the 2 year old in tow. I had to convince my 3.5 year old that he did not, in fact, NEED the hacksaw and we had to wait until Dad and Izyk returned. I had contemplated cutting down a tree while they were gone because 1) I was impatient and 2) I was trying to keep Charley's attention. I can't run as fast being 6 months pregnant with a 20 pound, 9 month old on my back. I spot Ryan on his way back and he just had this look. I had to ask, "Did he go?" He responds with, "NOOOOOO, he farted...twice ..." I laughed. Apparently, he is still in the stage where differentiating between gas and an actual BM is difficult. On a positive note, we aren't having to change a toddler's messy diapers.
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