Saturday, December 19, 2009

Terrible soon-to-be auntie...

That I am. I've been meaning to post about my brother, Rob and his wife, Meg. They are expecting their first little one in February!! Yay! I'm totally excited! I'm going to be an aunt on MY side of the family, woot! It is a girl and her name is Avery. We are praying very hard for them as they are going through some tough news as Avery has heterotaxy. But she is being monitored very closely and regularly by specialists. We continue to pray that she grows and thrives. We look forward to having a new addition to the Norbryhn family!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I know, I know, I know...

the greater of the female population experiences morning sickness. I am not special. I know this. But I find myself frustrated and worn out. My first inkling that I was pregnant, was I was feeling sick. Just ill. Figured I should take a test, just to see. Came out positive. Well, at least I know why I feel so yucky. With Charley, I started getting the morning sickness at 8 weeks. Thought that it's probably the same with this one so I had to be at least 8 weeks. Made my appointment, had my ultrasound. Went a little like this...

"Oh, you are not even 6 weeks along."


"Yeah, showing just over 5 weeks."

"I've been puking for 2 weeks...."

"Well, you are still very early."

Much to my dismay, I've had morning sickness since the day I CONCEIVED. I mean, seriously? With Charley, I was done with the sickness at 14 weeks. I'm scared with this one. What makes it worse is that I'm limited to what I can take because I'm still breastfeeding. I lost 5lbs in 2 weeks and really, I can't afford to be losing weight. I'll fall below the 100 mark if I lose anymore. This is all while taking Zofran. To top it all off, I only got a 9 day supply because I needed a prior authorization from my insurance which after 3 weeks I still hadn't gotten. I had one pill left and I was going to save it for when I absolutely needed it. I spent 3 days vomiting everything I ate until FINALLY, my doctor must've appealed the rejection because the PA was approved. I downed the last pill just so I could make it out of the house to get my prescription. MISERABLE. I was originally complaining about Zofran not really working. It took away some vomiting but I was still nauseous. But after 3 days of not having it at all...never again will I complain. I feel like a wuss, not being able to take this morning sickness. It really is thrilling at 5am while nursing my son in one arm and puking in a bowl in the other arm. I'll be very, very, very happy if this morning sickness all. I'd like to eat real food, other than rice, crackers, and toast. Ok, I am now finished complaining about my morning sickness.

So honey....

"I was trying to get a picture of Charley's smirk. I think I got it."

"Oh yeah? I want to see."

Hands camera over.

Yes, I know I'm not the most creative person on this planet (which I am totally okay with) but it's the only thing I could think of in a six hour time frame. Little Charley will be a big brother in July.