Friday, February 17, 2012

Life with 3 boys...

This is just a post of randomness. I love my three destructive as they might be. Charley has broken a window and torn a bookshelf from the wall. Izyk fell off a chair, busted his lip and head, and proceeded to face plant on the stairs where he again, busted his lip open, my mom left us yesterday evening and Ryan worked today. Overwhelming? Just a bit. I'm not suppose to be lifting anything except Myles but we all know that cannot happen. Unrealistic expectations...especially when I'm alone. Regardless, we are surviving.

Sleep deprivation hasn't been too bad. I mean, it's only been two weeks...who has expectations at this point? Between 1030pm and 6am, he will wake up once.

Cloth diapering has fallen by the wayside momentarily while we all try to get into some sort of groove.

Charley loves petting Myles. He always wants to hold him. Izyk watches from a distance. I think he keeps waiting for the newbie to disappear.

Izyk got a haircut. Full on faux-hawk. I'm sad his hair is all gone but he looks so different. Kinda looks like he COULD be meaner. I don't know. I miss his curliness.

I really do hate c-sections. I think I mentioned that with my last two births...and believe it or not, that has not changed.

I am also reminded why I'm not a fan of pumping. Another one that I will take for the team. Go me. I have to's a TINY bit awkward pumping in front of the littles. Right now, they stand there and mess with the pump and tubing. Charley talks about "Myles' milk" and how it "hurts" but it makes mama "feel better." Lol!

Myles squeaks. He doesn't really cry so much as he squeals and squeaks. He weighs almost nothing. It kills me. He's alert for a couple hours during the day. Kid has some LONG toes and fingers.

I refuse to plan ahead for dinners right now. My brain can't think that far ahead. I'm lucky if I get my contacts in and my hair done once during the week.

I predict my house is going to be the messiest EVER. I think I may be okay with it.

We will be watching a tad too many movies than I am comfortable with but oh well...something has to give.

Izyk has been trying to talk lately. It's fun to watch him develop his vocabulary.

I finally got to use my new storchenwiege wrap and I'm totally in love with it. So comfy and so far, easy to use. Myles falls asleep really fast in it. I found it 40% off at this online store that was shutting down. Woot! Not the BEST picture but you get the idea.

Izyk loves doing pull-ups. Silly boy...

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