Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It's the middle of the night and WHERE am I? When I was younger, I would sleepwalk. In fact, Scott (one of my younger brothers) also would sleepwalk. He did it a lot more than I did. I think I might have done it in college once and freaked out my roommates but since then I haven't had an "episode"...until pregnancy. With Charley, I didn't really sleepwalk, it was more of a panicked awakening thinking he was somewhere in bed with us and we were clobbering him. On many occasion I would wake my poor hubby in the middle of the night/morning, FREAKING out. We didn't co-sleep. Charley was always either in the bassinet or his crib. That subsided after...ah-hem...a couple of months.

Currently, I've been waking up somewhere other than my bed searching for Charley. That he's somewhere in our room, in the closet, fallen between the headboard and the mattress...I know what causes it but sometimes I can't help it. And every time it has happened to me, Ryan was not in bed yet. Which, when I think about it, is probably a good thing because I would have clobbered him trying to get out of bed. Now, sleepwalking wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take me 10 minutes to figure out 1) why I'm not in bed, 2) where the heck am I, 3) why the light is on, and 4) why I'm searching for my son. I'm a little concerned when I start finding my way OUT of our room. So far, we are safe. Let's just hope Charley didn't get my genes.

And since posts are so boring without pictures, take a gander of my little helper from the other day. Working hard on that floor. HA!
And playing outside...

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