Saturday, May 8, 2010

Conversation with the check out clerk...

Him: "How are you doing today?"

Me: "Fine. Just keeping busy."

Him: "Ah, when are you due?"

Me: "July."

Him: "I was born in July."

Me: "Good month."

Him: "How old is he?"

Me: "Sixteen months."

Him: "Whoa. Cutting it kinda close, huh?"

Me: "Sure."

Him: "Have a nice day."

Me: "Thanks. You too."

*Charley waves to no one in particular as we exit grocery store....*

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Come on out to Utah for a week if you need a break from that. Not a single person will ask about your pregnancy or how close your babies are. Or, if they do, they will promptly relate a story of their own closely-spaced children. Usually regarding how it was hard in the beginning but so great overall. It's actually kind of a bummer sometimes not to get extra attention for being pregnant! Here, you're just another pregnant lady. Though, I sometimes get asked where I got my maternity jeans...

Also, my cousin's got us beat. She has an almost three year old, a one year old and a six-month old. The first two are 13 months apart and the second and third are 18 months apart. Three kids in two and a half years! Whew!