Friday, May 7, 2010

28 weeks ish

There really hasn't been much going on lately except a lot of work and a lot of chores which are never done. It has been incredibly busy at work for me and Ryan as well. I passed the 28 week milestone...woot woot! The picture you see is 3 or 4 days past the 28 week mark. Definitely bigger than the first time around. This pregnancy has more of the aches and pains but nothing major. I think this baby has dropped already. He/she is a lot lower as of last weekend. I can breathe a lot easier and I don't have heartburn/indigestion. Amazing. I think I've said this before but I don't think this child all. I love that he/she moves all the time. Also, I'm addicted to lather, rinse, repeat. I kid you not. My skin is going to fall off before I give birth. I love soap and lathering soap up and rinsing it off and starting all over again. Needless to say, I shower for a good hour right now to get in enough lathering. I guess it could be worse. Looking forward to the next two and a half months...see how big I get. :)

Charley is nearing the end of his antibiotics. He got an ear infection from some cold we both had. Ryan was really sick for about week. Luckily, he didn't give it to neither myself or Charley. Charley is climbing...everything. He can climb up, he just can't get down. He kept finding himself on the coffee table. We kept showing him how to climb off. He just couldn't get it so we moved the coffee table. Remember my last post about him liking to push carts and strollers and such? We were at the grocery store (quick trip for like 2 things) and it was evening so there wasn't a whole bunch of people there but enough. Ryan and I split up. Ryan ran off to get lunch meat...I went to get milk. Ryan had Charley. Apparently, Ryan had put Charley down on the ground. Charley found a lady's cart...decided he needed to push it. He ran off with another person's cart at the grocery store. I'm sad I missed it. Would've love to had seen the events unfold. Haha! Oh well...we just have to keep a close eye on this little dude around things that are pushable.
And he climbs things...but can't climb down no matter how many times we show him. Oh well, one of these days he'll learn.
We bought these converses forever ago and he finally fits in them. Bugaboo and Mama matched when we ran some errands! Now instead of ripping off the velcro, he chews on his laces. Yes, he's wearing a Queen's shirt. ROCK ON!!!

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