Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lovely hot summer

So it has been SUUUUUPER hot and for days on end. I find myself looking for clouds, shade...SOMETHING. Aaaaahhh, the south. Myles is doing fabulously. He's growing at the same rate as Charley. I still can't believe how well he sleeps. He is a doll and content. He loves when his brothers talk to him. Charley finished swim lessons. It took 2 days to convince him to get into the water. He did enjoy swimming a lot. So I have been AWOL lately but for very good reason. Sick as a dog and trying to adjust to the surprise/news. TA-DA!
Not sure how it, I KNOW how it happened, we just didn't really think it would since the last few were naturally spaced 18 months apart. We are excited and thrilled. I have a few more feelings than just those; to include confused, nervous, slightly panicked. They will be 13 months apart. *gulp* Buuuuuuut, it's all good. Due date is 10th of March. My doctor likes to section somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks early. We will try for closer to the 1 week mark just know, the more days between Myles's birthday and this one, the better. Lol! Potty training has been on the back burner. Izyk is willing to sit on the potty, he just hasn't made the connection between going and being on the potty. I'm not pushing it due to the lack of energy. Myles is still exclusively breeastfed. He is not quite ready for solids. I have been panicking the last month because I have read that your milk supply will get zapped due to hormones. So I'm always worried that he's not getting enough. Couple that with the fact that he is WAY smaller and skinnier than the other two. He is 6 months old and 3 month clothing is baggy on him. But he is a happy, thumb sucking little boy. Rolling all over the place. He loves being cuddled and rocked. I'll tell you what, between the Breastfeeding, growing a human, and working full time, and waking up at 4:30am to do it...really takes a lot out of a person. I do the bare minimum which is why my house is more of a wreck than usual.
It's worthy to mention my middle child is now 2 years old. This little guy is a tank. He loves kisses and hugs and hates to be bothered when he's playing. He's growing up so fast. He loves to help when I cook or bake. Happy second birthday Izyk James! We love you!

1 comment:

JulieLynn said...

I love the update! Love the pictures! I can't wait for baby number four!!! Maybe a girl this time? Or you guys could just be a male producing factory (which is just fine, because you have little cuties)! I hope you feel better soon, and get some rest (I know, what an I thinking saying that?!). I love you Shauna!