Izyk has been waking at 4am...regularly. Not sure what his deal is.
Snow is still here. The mail guy finally decided to come down our street. Trash guy, on the other hand, avoided our street.
I don't like 30.
Interesting point: While I was pumping in the Mother's room at work, I was glancing through this OLD Parenting magazine from like 2007. Saw a tidbit on weight loss and sleep. According to the magazine there was a study done that found that women who got 5 hours or less of sleep were three times more likely to retain the baby weight until the baby's first birthday than those who slept 7 hours or more. And then it said it was like an 11 pound difference. Not sure where that number came from but still. Those 7 hours of sleep doesn't necessarily need to be all at once. It can be from cat naps too. So I guess my weight loss isn't ENTIRELY genetics and breastfeeding. I can now blame it on sleep! Hahahaha!
I'm thinking about starting Izyk on rice cereal. Not sure yet. Dragging my feet.
I have a noticeable increase in my pumped breast milk when I eat oatmeal in the mornings. I had done research while I was breast feeding Charley and remember reading that but never tried it. To keep up my milk supply, I find myself eating when I'm not hungry and drinking when I'm not thirsty. I eat lots of everything...just to keep my calorie intake up. It's kind of a drag having to force myself to remember to eat. That doesn't even sound right but that's what I'm having to do. I know a lot of people hate me because of it too.
Charley turns two next week...sad panda. He's getting so big. He also got a hair cut last night by Dad. That was fun. It included suckers covered in hair and Charley saying "Ew" every 10 seconds. By the end, Mama was covered in sticky sugar and blond hair.
Cold Stone RULES.
Izyk is a pro at exploding through diapers...and not because there is a lot of poop. His crack is ssssoooo high, you can see it at the top of his diaper. I'm only slightly exaggerating, actually I'm not. His crack IS that high.
Izyk is in 12 month clothing. I'm pretty sure that this kid CANNOT get as big as I keep thinking he might. There's no way.
Looking forward to picking up the house...in a sick therapeutic kind of way.
LOVE our new space heater for the rec room...best fifty bucks we've spent in a long time!!
Both of our cars need tires. Just in time with Christmas and a slew of birthdays. *thumbs up*