Friday, April 16, 2010

26 week belly belly belly

Yeah, I'm late. Oh well. Belly picture at 26 weeks. We'sa getting there. My next appointment is that glucose test and I'm really, really not looking forward to it. Who does? Last time I was hovering over the toilet for a good 10 minutes and spent another 15 minutes crying because 1) I was miserable and 2) the nurse had told me I had failed the test when I was really just borderline but my doctor considered it passing. I'm hypoglycemic when I'm NOT pregnant and I die as it is being pregnant. So let's just hope this next appointment isn't as traumatic. I feel huge but when I look at pictures I don't look as big as I feel. This child moves ALL DAY LONG. Way more than Charley did. I crave fried pickles and fruit, mainly strawberries. I've been really exhausted lately but I'm blaming that on the chaos at work that hasn't let up for about 3 weeks and is not going to get any better next week so I just kind of have to deal...try to go to bed early type of thing which never works out but is SUCH a nice thought.

While I appreciate everyone noticing my prego-ness, is it really necessary to say "AGAIN?" with such emphasis? And comments such as "Well, that was quick", "Didn't you JUST have one?", and "Y'all need a hobby" are not required. There are MANY people out there that have children closer together than I (my mother, for one, is a PRIME example of that and I'm pretty sure she didn't have to hear about her pregnancy on a daily basis from people she worked with ...). As for a hobby, I have one thankyouverymuch. The end.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Do you know what you're having? Did I miss that post? Or are you having a surprise? And I hear ya on the kids-close-together thing. Fortunately, here in Utah (AKA Baby Central), I get fewer comments than you probably do. I just get "the look" like, "Are you crazy?" or "Was it an accident?" Yes it was. And?