Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick post as I anxiously await dinner

Few things that I wanted to get down quickly. I have pictures from Charley's birthday. Yes I realize his birthday is in fact TOMORROW however we decided to celebrate this past weekend as weekdays are quite full. Also, we added another word to his vocabulary, juice (which is actually water with a splash of juice). He's taking more and more steps on his own but still not confident enough to take off running. Morning sickness is ALMOST gone. A lame picture of me at 12 weeks (taken almost 2 weeks ago). Looking forward to the end of this week because I am in the middle of a training class at work and it's throwing my whole time thing off. I thrive on structure. Tomorrow I should be getting my new wrap (baby carrier) in and I'm VERY excited. Charley's last day at daycare is....

Drum roll please...

February 5th! Woot woot!

1 comment:

Beck said...

It should be illegal for you to post that as a "pregnancy" picture!! You are so tiny!! I am so happy for you guys. Hope you are feeling better soon <3