Thursday, March 26, 2009

Charley's appointment and returning to work...

Charley is 9 weeks this week! Yay for getting older and doing things Mama isn't ready for her baby to be doing! But that's okay, it's out of my hands and I'm totally okay with that.

Ok, so about 3 weeks ago...he rolled over. We totally thought it was a fluke cuz I had layed him down on our bed face down and he somehow ended up on his back. We just thought that our bed was too soft. Second occurence...tummy time mat. We thought the pillow just was too high and he ROLLED off of it. Third occurence was last week when I put him on the floor. He fussed and then pushed himself over. Layed there on his back, content as could be. We thought there was no way he was doing this. We put him back on his tummy...cried/fussed and pushed himself over, contentment again. We have a video of it but have yet to figure out why we can't post it so that will be forthcoming. We have another video of him while on the changing table. Dad does this jackhammer motion with his arms and his reaction is funny. That too will be posted...eventually.

Charley had his 2 month appointment today. He is long and skinny with a big head. 23 inches long (50th percentile) and weighs in at 10 pounds 13 ounces (25th percentile). I can't remember what his head circumference is but it's apparently relatively large (50th percentile).


MAD props to all full-time working moms who pump. I never thought this would be so hard. Not only being away from your child for 9 or 10 hours (sometimes more depending on what you do) but pumping itself can be the most stressful thing in the world. Knowing that if you don't get what you need out of this thing your little baby ain't gonna eat is STRESSFUL. (I mean there's always formula but for those of us wanting exclusive breastfeeding...eek!) Now pumping comes easily to some people but for've got to be kidding me. After 3 weeks I'm finally warming up to the mechanical thing that sucks at me four or five times a day. The baby can do it so much better than this pump. I've spent the past two weeks struggling with: 1) getting enough milk, 2) clogged milk ducts - I think I've had 3 days over the past 2 weeks that I did NOT have a clogged milk duct, 3) not STRESSING about pumping. I'm finally kind of getting the hang of things this week but it's still difficult. I'm sure it'll get better but this is my venting so...get over it. I can see why they tell you to EASE into work. I'm still trying to figure out the mornings. I wake him up at 6am right now so I can feed him before I leave for work. He's been sleeping through the night off and on (he's teasing Mama) otherwise he'll sleep for 4 or 5 hours and wake up for a feeding at 3am.

Now I'd post about being home with the baby all day but I can't speak for Ryan. So I will leave that to his discretion. :)


Morgan said...

As far as I'm aware, there is one book on the market, and only one, about exclusively breastfeeding. I don't pump exclusively, but my friend loaned it to me and it had some good stuff in it. You can get it on Amazon. It's called Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk: A Guide to Providing Expressed Breast Milk for Your Baby by Stephanie Casemore. But it's stinkin expensive, so watch for the price to drop if you do want to buy it. My friend got it for about 40 or 50 bucks but it's just a little paperback. Lame, but if you're desperate, there is help out there! Good luck!!!

Charley's a lot bigger than Alaina! She's not even 10 pounds yet. She rolled over once out on the grass, but I think it was a fluke. Go Charley!

Morgan said...

That would be exclusively PUMPING not BREASTFEEDING. Duh me.

Anonymous said...

Get the Avent hand pump! You have control over how quickly or slowly the suction is. I used an electric pump with Abigail and it worked, but not as well as I have found the hand pump to work. TOTALLY WORTH IT!