Sunday, November 21, 2010

Caramel Apple Spice

at Starbucks is amazing...waiting for 2pm to roll around for that buy 1, get 1 free thing.

Charley has figured out the door knob child safety thing. We were greeted at 9am this morning with his smiling face and the thumping of his little feet.

Made pumpkin pancakes this morning - not so much. I need to try a different recipe I think.

Charley has also figured out how to get into his high chair, on his own, SOMEHOW. I have no idea how. His high chair is the kind that has wheels on it, so if he's not strapped in, he can fall out.

Started some Christmas shopping. Toys R Us was INSANE at 6pm last night.

There was a spider in the shower this morning...I drowned it.

Apparently I slept talked again...I was searching for a diaper. Oh boy.

Izyk has croup. WTH? Friday was the first night in 3 months that he DID not sleep through the night. Although, I cannot complain. It was only one night. He's sleeping better, just still waking up early-ish...5:30am but going back to bed until 9:30am. Can't wait for him to get over this little obstacle. No one else in the house is sick. *crosses fingers*

I really need to clean the bathroom. I really don't feel like it. I haven't felt like it for 3 weeks.

My mom sent a picture of the snow. I'm sad. I miss the snow and the mountains.

Izyk weighs 19lbs, 2.5oz at 26 inches long. The nurse said "Mama's milk is miracle-grow on steroids." Darn straight!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Calmest night

Izyk had his 4 month appointment today. He is in the 95th percentile for weight and height. He is in the 90th percentile for his head circumference. He had a moderate reaction to the pertussis immunization so they didn't give him the DTAP vaccine which is just one "cocktail" shot and having to leave out the pertussis made it into 3 more shots. That's 6 total shots, so we are splitting them up. Izyk did really good today compared to last visit. We are keeping him off the zantac since he's better off without it. We are taking it case by case. I think we can get a handle on his projectile vomiting as it is infrequent and when it does happen, we know the signs. Izyk is weighing in at 18lbs 5oz and 26 inches long. He's an extremely happy boy (except for the occasional fussiness preceding the projectile vomiting), sleeps like a champ, rolls from his tummy to his back. He's trying his darnedest to roll from his back to his belly. Charley says "Hi ra ra..." to him every morning and after naps.

The title of this blog...I was going to make this quick but I'm known for rambling. Actually, I'm not. I digress. Tonight, we had to run to the store. We finally broke down and bought pants for Charley. He was running around in a diaper, barefoot on tile in our 60 degree house. Kid HAD to be cold. I was hoping that maybe he'd gain some weight and grow an inch or two so we could just throw him in 24 month/2T pants (he has 1 pair of 18 month pants and they're jeans). But alas, he's still short and skinny. to Target after a 3 hour nap for everyone (but me because I had just gotten home from work) to buy pants. Long story short and 80 dollars later (because you can't just go to Target for ONLY pants)...we're home trying to get dinner done. Izyk woke up from his 20 minute nap in the car from Target. Charley was having rest time in his room while dinner was cooking and we were putting groceries away...

Like I said we went to Target ONLY for PANTS...ah-hem...

I have dinner after feeding Izyk. Izyk gets fussy. I decide he's going to bed a little early. I give him his bath, get him dressed for bed. We sing and he's in bed...talking to himself. Charley gets done with his dessert of raspberries, bath time (which for once didn't involve practicing his outside voice), and then bedtime. It's 7:35pm. Silence. There was no screaming, crying, or fits to be had (before, after, or during our nighttime rituals). Now, I only have two children and that can be just the tiniest bit chaotic in the evenings when everyone is tired and cranky and we're all just trying to get to bed. But this night is what I shall strive for in the future. It was a beautiful thing. :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Practicing our pull ups!

Family Picture

He always gives me the same look when I attempt a self-portrait of the two of us...

Charley was mixing the macaroni and cheese and his applesauce together. But he was actually eating it too. Blah.

Friday, November 5, 2010


It has been a horrible experience for me trying to find nursing bras that are comfortable, supportive, and non-grandma looking. I fell upon this website, Bella Materna, when I went searching for a 32G. I ordered a bra in hopes that it might be a good one. I got it in and just fell in love with it. It wasn't just white, black, or was plum colored!! I was sooooo excited to have a bra with a COLOR. Not only was it a pretty color but it was extremely supportive and a TRUE 32 inch bra. Amazing. So I've lived in this bra for the past 8 months.


So, it's like a week later and originally this post was going to be about my AMAZING bra but I have lots on my mind...

Izyk was suppose to have an appointment this week on Thursday. We missed it because I thought it was at 11:45am and it was really at 10:45am. My bad. Really entire week had been like that. So I should've just ASSUMED that was going to happen. I was really looking forward to talking to the doctor. First, about his immunizations...we're not doing that anymore. Well, we are just not the cocktail schedule they normally do. Second, I have taken Izyk off the zantac. He kind of turned into a basket case and he almost developed all the symptoms OF acid reflux and they were worse than before. He was a completely different child. He's back to normal now and I have some discussions I'd like to see happen.

Izyk is in 6/9 month clothing...meaning he is twice the size Charley was at this age. I know I said it before but it still is beyond my comprehension how gynormous this kid is. He's such a butterball. To top it all off...I don't think he really is eating more than Charley was but then again, how would I know? It's a good thing he skipped the 6 month clothes because Charley man did too and we didn't have any. :) *thumbs up*

Charley keeps falling out of his bed. Not a big deal, it just happens...often.

Where are the bed rails, you ask?

Let's just say, he knows how to get his bed off the frame and do things with all the parts that honestly, who would think a 22 month would do. But at least he goes right back to sleep when we get him back in bed.

We're moving Izyk's last feeding back slowly. Working on 9:30pm this week. He seems to be doing fine.

The kids are getting more sleep than Mama. I was late to work EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. Except one morning when Ryan kicked me out of bed at 5am. And by late...we're talking my alarm clock went off an hour and a half before I actually got OUT of bed. Good times.

Work has been chaotic but we'll leave work...where it belongs.

That's all I can think of, OH WAIT. So we bought a standalone freezer...for my BREAST MILK. Yes, that's the only thing we have in that freezer because Ryan was sick of having my stash take up 75% (he claims 95%) of the freezer in the kitchen. Yes, we have that much breast milk saved up...because I RULE.