Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Mini-rant

I know I have complained about it, over...and over...and over but stinking daycare. It's not that Charley doesn't enjoy the company of other infants in his age range, it's just that Mama doesn't like the fact he is in another's care. (That and it costs an arm and leg. What am I going to do with two children when the time comes?????) So I can see why working parents stop having children at 1 and 2. As much of a joy they are to have around, to watch grow, and bring us back to reality...how can anyone afford it? Now I'm just being bitter because I'm sure there are lots of families out there with both working parents, with daycare, and somehow making it work. Charley adjusted really well to being dropped off to strangers for 4 or 5 hours a day except the boy won't sleep when things are going on around him. So I pick him up, we go home, I put him to bed, and I won't see him until I wake him for dinner. We play for 45 minutes or so but then it's off to bed. I'm thankful for what little time I DO get to see him but seriously? I knew I'd have to adjust to this when they start going to school but he's 10 months old. Don't want to adjust. Denied. All I can say is boo.

Double boo.

He did get (the start) of his first double ear infection (he weighed a whopping 18lbs at that appointment). He recovered rather quickly and I'm just glad he lets us know when he's not feeling well. When I went to pick up his prescription, the pharmacist asked if I wanted to flavor the medication. I thought, "He's 10 months old, does he really notice these things?" I said no, paid, and went home. This kid thinks it's candy. Smells disgusting but he probably likes the fact he gets to suck on a syringe. I do miss him terribly during the day. I usually cannot leave fast enough to go pick him up. I'll tell you, I don't meander at work when the time comes to leave.

I thought I had more to talk about but apparently I don't. So I'm going to go make more fake hash browns fried in loads of butter and lots of salt because I know it is BAD for me (and it's not like we don't have real potatoes, we do, but I'm just too tired and lazy to peel and grate them...).

End rant


Josh & Jen said...

Something I recently discovered with Claire, health food stores make infant vitamin c and infant echinacea that you can dose for babies as young as 6 months, that might help boost his immune system while he's in daycare! Take care, I feel your childcare pain!

Unknown said...

Sweet friend, I know all too well what you're feeling. Hang in there. :(