I've applied for this Electrical Engineering job within Boeing. I'm not too sure if it is what I am looking for. Still delving into that a bit. Regardless, the interview is good practice. :S As much as I DREAD talking to people I DO NOT know. One of these days it will get easier. Or will it? I've been told I'm management material (on several occasions)...HAH. Requirements: communicate...stop there, nothankyou.
Some friends of ours found this kitten. She was hiding under a palate of flagstone. (Friend's husband works as a firefighter but also in landscaping on his days off) Couldn't be more than 5 weeks old. We spent 2 or 3 days trying to get this kitten to eat...anything. We bought that kitten replacement milk, she hardly drank any; we mixed water with cat food, she wouldn't eat it. We knew she was starving. She was skin and bones on top of it. Tim spent a good half hour cleaning her and picking fleas out of her coat. We took her up to Challenger's House up in Toney, for some drugs. While up there, the lady popped open a can of soft food...and I've never seen a cat eat so fast in my entire life. Dur on our part. This kitten can get out of anything. Seriously should have named her Houdini. She climbs baby gates, cardboard, crates, anything that happens to be between her and us. I think we've pretty much given up on trying to keep her confined. We've named her Hardee. Love bug, she is. Raisin is slowly getting used to her. As in, she no longer growls or hisses at her. As I type this, she is sleeping across my thigh. We were going to keep her until we found a home for her. I don't see this happening in the near future though I may be okay with this. She lets Charley manhandle her. No joke. Charley picked her up and sucked on her head. She was okay with this. Whoda thunk it?
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