And yes I'm behind. :) So here I am at 34 weeks. Definitely bigger this time around but I have gained the same weight as I did with Charley at this point so I'm not sure what the deal is...besides loose muscles.
My doctor and I have been discussing how we're going to proceed with birth on this one. It pretty much comes down to just winging it. I am aiming for VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) but if I don't go into labor or have this baby by my due date, I will have to be cut open. Oh goody. Needless to say, I'll be trying everything in the book AGAIN to have this baby before July 23rd. I may be able to convince my doctor to wait to section me until the following week depending on how I am looking. (At least that'll give me another two days!) But we will see. I'm anxious for my first cervical check just to see if anything has happened.