Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Visit from Papa

We were blessed with a visit from Papa. He flew out for 4 days to hang with his grandson...oh and a little bit of us (his son and favorite daughter-in-law). We had a grand time although way too short as it always is. I took 2 days off work and now I'm spoiled with spending time with my family. Papa spoiled Charley with attention.


We absolutely love seeing family and spending time with them. It is hard being so far away and only seeing everyone once or twice a year. After having Charley, it makes it all that much more difficult especially when you see other couples and their extended families hanging together. Perhaps in the future, ah-hem, NEAR future we can look at moving closer to the west coast. For now, we will relish in the memories of being with family. We do hope that Papa has a safe and quick trip home. We are SO glad you came and spent time with us.

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